Monthly Minutes - February 2009
Minutes of Community Board 11's General Meeting and Public HearingHeld on Feburary 12th, 2009 at the:
Holy Family Home, 1740 84th Street
Table of Contents
- Pleadge Of Allegiance
- Public Portion
- Public Hearing
- Minutes
- Disposition Of Public Hearing
- Chairman'sreport
- Assemblyman Abate
- Councilman Gentile
- Disposition Of Public Hearings
- District Manager'sreport
- Attendance
Pleadge Of Allegiance top
The general meeting of Community Board 11 was opened with Angelo Siciliano having the honor of leading the Pledge of Allegiance.Public Portion top
A representative from New Yorkers for a Department of Peace advised that there is legislation before Congress calling for the creation a federal Cabinet level Department of Peace. The sole purpose of this agency would be to research, facilitate, and articulate non-violent solutions to conflict.It was further stated that there is a resolution before the New York City Council that supports the creation of a Department of Peace. Handouts were available.
Amy Lavelle, representing Council Member Gentile, advised that there will be an online Town Hall meeting. Questions need to be submitted by this Friday. Literature is available on the table.
Mary Placanica, representing Assembly Member Colton, advised that the new alternate side parking calendars are available this evening.
Police Officer Stephen Agosta of the 62nd Precinct, Community Affairs Unit, warned the public that they should never allow visitor into their homes without first identifying them. This includes representatives from utility companies, as well as the Police Department, and photo ID cards should be presented and checked before admitting into the house.
The Chairman inquired if anyone else from the public sought recognition. Hearing none, a motion was made by Bart Allegretti to close the public portion of the meeting. Seconded by Frank Segreto. Unanimously adopted.
Public Hearing top
I. Proposed Waterfront Text AmendmentN090239ZRY
An application submitted by the Department of City Planning to amend the Waterfront Zoning provisions of the Zoning Resolution, primarily to the Public Access Area design regulations. The proposed changes will generally apply to new residential and commercial developments in medium and high density zoning districts, and to commercial and community facility developments in lower density residential and manufacturing districts along the waterfront.
The Chairman inquired if anyone from the public sought recognition. Hearing none, a motion was made by Bart Allegretto to close the public hearing. Seconded by Man Wai Lau. Unanimously adopted.
II. Public Hearing on the responses to the FY2010 Preliminary Capital and Expense Budget Submissions.
The Chairman inquired if anyone from the public sought recognition. Hearing none, a motion was made by Mafalda DiMango to close the public hearing. Seconded by Laurie Windsor. Unanimously adopted.
Minutes top
A motion was made by Mafalda DiMango to adopt the minutes of the January 8, 2009 meeting. Seconded by Lou Crispiano. Unanimously adopted.Disposition Of Public Hearing top
I. A motion was made by Louis Crispiano to recommend that the City Council co-name the southeast corner of 63rd Street and 14th Avenue to Francesco "Frankie" Loccisano Way. Seconded by Antonio Troia. Unanimously adopted.Chairman'sreport top
Mr. Guarinello reported that he, Pamela Brier, President of Maimonides, Wendy Goldstein, President of Lutheran Medical Center, Dean Rasinya, Chairman of Community Board 10, as well as the District Managers of both Boards, met last evening to discuss the impact Victory Memorial Hospital has had on both hospitals.The Chairman reported that Lutheran Hospital expects to expand its emergency room capacity by 75% in 2011, in order to handle the extra patients it sees due to the closing of Victory. He further added that the obstetric situation in southwest Brooklyn is almost at crisis level and both hospitals need more obstetric beds. Other issues the hospitals are dealing with are patient length of stays and the high costs sustained. Both hospitals stated that if they can further decrease the patient length of stay, there would be a reduction of the time a patient spends in the emergency room.
Mr. Guarinello and Mr. Rasinya have requested that Assemblyman Abbate and other State officials coordinate a meeting with high-level state officials to discuss the community's concerns regarding healthcare services.
There was brief discussion regarding both hospitals.
Mr. Guarinello advised that those interested in the concept that was presented by representatives from the Department of Peace could contact the elected officials listed in the literature.
The Chairman advised that the family of Anthony Neglia has requested the renaming of the corner of Bay 34th Street and 86th Street in his honor. Tony was the President of the 86th Street Merchants Association and a long serving member of Community Board 11.
Mr. Guarinello referred the request to the Parks Committee for review.
Assemblyman Abate top
The Assemblyman advised that the issues that both Lutheran and Maimonides are facing are statewide issues. Patient lengths of stays are predetermined and the hospitals do not receive payment when doctors authorize extra days that are not medically warranted.He further stated that hospital beds are based upon catchment areas. Our catchment area consists of Coney Island Hospital, Lutheran Medical Center, and Maimonides Hospital.
Assemblyman Abbate stated that there was discussion regarding hospital expansion. In Lutheran Hospital, there is a whole floor that is being utilized by Cavalry Hospital Hospice, which is an excellent program. If they relocated, 36 beds could be utilized for medical/surgical patients.
Additionally, an "urgent care center" is operating at the site of Victory Memorial Hospital, which people are utilizing. It is hoped that as more people use this urgent care center, both Down State Medical Center and the State will recognize the need for an emergency room.
The Assemblyman stated that he would work with both Community Boards 10 and 11 to address the emergency medical needs.
Councilman Gentile top
The Councilman provided an update on the rezoning of Bath Beach. He advised that he is requesting a meeting with the Commissioner of the Department of City Planning. The Councilman discussed budgetary issues with the Board. He further stated that he is committed to working with Community Boards 10 and 11 regarding health care issues.Disposition Of Public Hearings top
The Chairman opened the floor to discussion on the responses to the FY 2010 Preliminary Capital and Expense Budget Submissions.Marnee Elias-Pavia advised that the Parks Department was notified that the response to Priority #2 on the Capital Budget is incorrect. Last year the same response was given that the work was completed. Today we received notification that the response was changed and it should read, "Contact elected officials for funding".
After brief discussion on the budget, a motion was made by Man Wai Lau to accept the responses to the FY 2010 Preliminary Capital and Expense Budget. Seconded by Tom Colasanto. Unanimously adopted.
Frank Segreto, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, reported that the Department of City Planning is proposing a zoning text amendment that would revise certain provisions related to mandated waterfront public access areas. The affected areas within the confines of Community Board 11 are 26th Avenue to Bay Parkway. This portion of the waterfront is buildable and zoned for manufacturing and commercial use. Bay Parkway to Bay 8th Street is designated as park and open space, which is not subject to zoning. However, this proposal would obviously affect all of the waterfront areas in our borough and the City in general. The application has already received a clean bill of health from the appropriate City Environmental Agency.
If approved as proposed, this action would update design regulations and administrative requirements for new privately owned waterfront public areas with minor, related changes to bulk regulations. The new design guidelines would improve the design and facilitate construction and operation of high-quality public spaces on privately owned waterfront lots.
The basic framework for required public access includes Shore Public Walkways (landscaped pedestrian ways running continuously along the shoreline), Upland Connections (outdoor pedestrian ways or sidewalks connecting the shore public walkway to an upland street, park or other public space) and Supplemental Public Access Areas.
The proposed guidelines would lengthen, widen, and otherwise make the required public areas larger. The proposal would also modify the general design standards for seating, lighting, planting, guardrails, paving, and other open space amenities to raise them to the current levels of amenity, durability and functionality for successful public open spaces in New York City. One example of this upgrade would be the prohibition of the use of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or similar plastic materials as the finish coat on guardrails, fences, trash receptacles or similar outdoor furniture in these waterfront access areas.)
Any enlargement of public access and public viewing areas would have the effect of further limiting, in direct proportion, the scale, and amount of development. While the proposed text amendment may have limited effect in our District, it will enhance these quality of life issues for all of our citizens.
A motion was made by Tom Colasanto to approve the amendment of the Waterfront Zoning provisions of the Zoning Resolution, under application N090239ZRY, as submitted by the Department of City Planning. Seconded by Jerry Chiapetta. Unanimously adopted.
District Manager'sreport top
Marnee Elias-Pavia discussed the issue of cell towers and antennas located within our district. She advised that she conducted a search on the internet and found 686 antennas and 94 towers within a 4-mile radius of the District Office.Currently there is no community review regarding the placement of these towers, and the Federal Telecommunications Law of 1996 states that the City cannot restrict placement of antennas or towers based upon health concerns.
The District Manager further stated that Queens Community Board 11 has met with representatives from the Department of Information and Technology and Telecommunications and the Department of Buildings regarding the proliferation of cell phone tower and antennas and came to the conclusion that more had to be done to regulate their installation.
A motion was made by Mafalda DiMango to call upon the Department of City Planning to review the current zoning regulation and develop a new text amendment that would strengthen rules and regulations for the placement of communication towers and poles in residential districts. Seconded by Frank Segreto. Unanimously adopted.
The District Manager provided an update on curb cuts at "T" intersections. In 2004, the Department of Transportation installed handicap accessible ramps at "T" intersections in our community. These ramps were unmarked and no traffic device controlled the intersection, thereby putting the handicapped and pedestrians in an unsafe environment.
Effective December 2008, the New York City Traffic Rules have been modified to allow parking at some "T" intersections, those without traffic signals or all-way stop signs or crosswalk markings. Ms. Elias-Pavia stated this change protects unaware motorists from hefty fines, but does not address the safety of pedestrians. She requested that the public notify her with locations of unsafe crosswalks so they can be forwarded to the Department of Transportation for markings.
She further reported that the US Treasury has requested that we announce their campaign to encourage federal benefit check recipients to switch to electronic payments. Last year more than 70,000 Treasury issued checks, an estimated $64 million dollars, were fraudulently endorsed. Information is available on the table.
A motion was made by Angelo Siciliano to adjourn. Seconded by Bart Allegretti. Unanimously adopted.
Attendance top
- Bart Allegretti
- Leonard Beninson
- Ross Brady
- Albert Campanelli
- Joseph Caruana
- Roca Casella
- Msgr. David Cassato
- Jerry Chiapetta
- Iris Chiu
- Thomas Colasanto
- Louis Crispiano
- Mafalda DiMango
- Richard DiNapoli
- Paul DiSpirito
- Charles Farrauto
- Shirley Fineman
- Angel Geraldi
- William Guarinello
- Man Wai Lau
- Anthony Mallozzi
- Albert Milone
- Nicholas Miraglia
- Vincent Nativo
- Rabbi Gary Pollack
- Frank Segreto
- Angelo Siciliano
- Laurie Windsor
- Gerald Bertuna
- Maria Campanella
- Joseph DiSanto
- Rosalee Manitta
- Raymond Mollica
- Vincent Nativo
- Barbara Parisi
- John Raffaele
- Stanley Roher
- Kalman Talbak
- Louisa Verito
- Steven Balasiano
- Donald Clark
- Sarra Fronshtein
- David Gordon
- William Hongach
- Corrado Manfredi
- Camillo Messina
- Ella Nigro
- Antonio Troia
- Rudolf Ranier - Institute for Community Living
- Sal D'Allessio
- Adam Lucente
- K. Scianna
- R. Scianna
- Josephine Blanda
- Mary Placanica - Assemblyman Colton
- Kevin Fagan - New Yorkers for a Department of Peace
- Lucretia Regina-Potter - Republican District Leader 49th A.D.
- Police Officer Stephen Agosta - 62nd Precinct
- Councilman Vincent Gentile
- Assemblyman Peter Abbate
- Rachel Berk - Counciman Felder