Monthly Minutes - January 2012
Minutes of Community Board 11's General Meeting and Public HearingHeld on Thursday, January 12, 2012 at the:
Holy Family Home, 1740 84th Street
Table of Contents
- Public Hearings
- Flag Presentation
- Public Portion
- Minutes
- Disposition Of Public Hearings
- Chairman's Report
- Councilman David Greenfield
- Assemblyman Peter Abbate
- District Manager's Report
- New Business
- Attendance
The meeting was opened with the honor of the pledge given to U.S. Army Specialist Larry Rivera, a veteran who served in Afghanistan.
Public Hearings top
I. BSA Calendar No. 185-11-BZ2538 85th Street
The applicant seeks a variance to allow for the use of voluntary accessory parking for the adjacent retail development of Walgreens in a R-5 zoning district.
The Chairman inquired if anyone from the public sought recognition on the matter. Hearing none, a motion was made by John Garvey to close the public hearing. Seconded by Al Campanella. Unanimously adopted.
II. ULURP # N110187ECK
M Star Hong Cafe, Inc.
D/B/A Jin Jin Hong Kong Cafe
6224 18th Avenue
DCA License# 1379042
The applicant seeks the grant of a new application for a revocable consent to operate an existing enclosed sidewalk cafe consisting of 4 tables and 16 seats.
The Chairman inquired if anyone from the public sought recognition on the matter. Hearing none, a motion was made by Man Wai Lau to close the public hearing. Seconded by Frank Segreto. Unanimously adopted.
Flag Presentation top
Liam MCabe, representing Congressman Michael Grimm, presented to the Board the Flag of the United States of America, which at the request of the Congressman, was flown over the Capitol on December 1, 2011, in honor of the members of Community Board 11.Public Portion top
Louise Martini, representing State Senator Martin Golden, announced that the Alternate Side Parking Rules 2012 Suspension Calendar is available this evening. She further advised of the passing of former State Senator Chris Mega. Senator Golden introduced a resolution, which was recently approved by the legislature, honoring the life of Senator Mega.Ms. Martini further announced that the Senator will be providing free income tax preparation services to senior citizens and low income residents. Anyone interested should contact the District Office at 718-238-6044.
Sara Steinweiss, representing Councilman Vincent Gentile, advised that the Councilman is sponsoring free self-defense classes for women during January and February. Fliers are available for anyone interested. She further advised that parking calendars are available as well.
A resident of the community spoke regarding the classical Chinese dance performance that will held at Lincoln Center on January 11-15th.
The Chairman inquired if anyone else from the public sought recognition. Hearing none, a motion was made by Bart Allegretti to close the public portion of the meeting. Seconded by Eileen LaRuffa. Unanimously adopted.
Minutes top
A motion was made by Paul DiSpirito to accept the minutes of the December 8, 2011 meeting. Seconded by Lou Crispiano. Unanimously adopted.Disposition Of Public Hearings top
Frank Segreto, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, reported that the applicant, M Star Hong Kong Cafe, Inc. (d/b/a Jin Jin Hong Kog Cafe), is requesting permission to establish an enclosed sidewalk cafe abutting its existing restaurant at the above address. The cafe will contain four (4) tables and sixteen (16) seats. Although this is a new application, there has been an enclosed sidewalk cafe at this location for approximately sixteen (16) years under the original owner, Stella's Diner, Inc. He further stated that there are no changes to the physical structure.A motion was made by Man Wai Lau to approve the subject application. Seconded by Al Campanelli. Unanimously adopted.
Mr. Segreto presented the Walgreen's application; the owner is requesting a waiver to permit the development of ten (10) voluntary accessory off-street parking spaces in an R-5 zoning district. These parking spaces will be associated with the presently being developed, as of right, use group 6 "Walgreens" drugstore within the adjacent C8-2 zoning district (Block 6860; Lots 28, 32 and 38) and which itself will include twelve (12) off-street parking spaces.
The lot in question is irregular, triangular and unimproved. It contains approximately 5,840 sf, including 145 feet of frontage on Stillwell Avenue and only 5 feet of frontage on 85th Street. It shares its southern lot line with the "Walgreens" project in development.
The proposed variance will allow the applicant to make the most effective economic use of this lot, facilitate the traffic flow for the Walgreens store and a heretofore vacant, unattractive property will be enhanced by landscaping islands, tree planting and maintenance by the tenant.
A motion was made by Man Wai Lau to approve the application as presented. Seconded by Bart Allegretti. Unanimously adopted.
Chairman's Report top
Mr. Guarinello discussed the issue of door-to-door solicitation of energy services. He stated his concerns of these salespersons soliciting after dark, especially in light of the recent burglaries of two senior citizens who opened their doors to people portrayed as energy salespersons. He urged residents who are unsure of who is at their door to call the police.The Chairman further suggested that we contact these energy companies to advise them of our concerns regarding their business practices of evening door-to-door solicitations.
Mr. Guarinello addressed the issue that was brought to the Board regarding the request to resurface Avenue P, east of McDonald Avenue. He advised that this location is not within Community Board 11.
Councilman David Greenfield top
The Councilman advised the Board that although the issue of the Avenue P resurfacing is not within Community Board 11, the Department of Transportation has given assurances that it will be resurfaced during the next paving season.Councilman Greenfield stated that although Bensonhurst covers a very small portion of his district, he continues to work hard on behalf of the community. He stated that in his district, the community was not getting its fair share of resources, and the Council has quadrupled the funding for senior centers and community organizations.
The Councilman discussed the issue of illegal driveways. He stated that the Council is in the process of drafting legislation that would create real penalties and significant consequences. If the homeowner does not repair the illegal driveway then the City will come in and do the restoration.
The Chairman applauded the Councilman on this bill. He stated that this is one of the major quality of life issues in the community.
Councilman Greenfield discussed additional legislation that he is working on.
In closing, he introduced Jake Adler, who represents the Councilman, and is present at every board meeting, and his Chief of Staff.
Assemblyman Peter Abbate top
The Assemblyman thanked Councilman Greenfield for his support to the community organizations in Community Board 11. He stated that because the legislature no longer provides discretionary funding, it was through the Council's support that community organizations were able to continue with senior programs.He further advised that the recently enacted tax cuts for the middle class will enable the funding for education, healthcare and transportation programs.
District Manager's Report top
Marnee Elias-Pavia advised that the Board has received notification from the Department of Transportation that King Express, located at 8521 18th Avenue, has filed an application to operate a commuter van service. The proposed service area is bound on the north from 65th Street from Bay Parkway to 16th Avenue, bound on the east by Bay Parkway from 65th Street to 86th Street, bound on the south by 86th Street from Bay Parkway to 16th Avenue, bound on the west by 16th Avenue from 86th Street to 65th Street.The District Manager advised that NYC Service has requested that we announce that they are assisting community-based organizations in mobilizing volunteers to help seniors and those with disabilities to avoid accidents and tickets by organizing a last resort snow removal strategy. She requested that if anyone is interested in partnering in this program, they contact the Community Board office for additional information.
Ms. Elias-Pavia advised that she and the Chair of the Sanitation and Environment committee were invited to attend a meeting with Dr. Corrigan from the Health Department to discuss the rodent issue on New Utrecht Avenue and the surrounding area. A walkthrough was conducted to point out problematic issues and formal recommendations will be forthcoming.
The District Manager further stated that since that walkthrough, many of the columns on New Utrecht Avenue have been restored, and the sidewalks around the columns have been cemented or are ready to be cemented. She further advised that while at a meeting unrelated to the D line rehabilitation project it was pointed out that the new sidewalk cement around the columns on New Utrecht Avenue at 81 Street had begun to crack. Ms. Elias-Pavia has requested an immediate walkthrough with the MTA.
There was discussion regarding the rodent issue on New Utrecht Avenue.
Mr. Guarinello advised that he will request that Don Clark, who is a professional and very knowledgeable in rodent issues to work on this issue on behalf of the Board. In addition, the District Manager will be doing a saturation mailing regarding steps the community should be taking to ameliorate the rat issue.
New Business top
Sonia Valentin advised that she has taken advantage of a grant opportunity that was presented to this Board by Citizens Committee for NYC. She happily announced that her block was awarded a $1,000 Love Your Block Grant.A motion was made by John Garvey to adjourn. Seconded by Shirely Fineman. Unanimously adopted.
Attendance top
- Bart Allegretti
- Ross Brady
- Maria Campanella
- Al Campanelli
- Joseph Caruana
- Rosa Casella
- Jerry Chiapetta
- Louis Crispiano
- Sal D'Alessio
- Claudio DeMeo
- Mafalda DiMango
- Eric DiNapoli
- Paul DiSpirito
- Marc D'Ottavio
- Yoketing Eng
- Charles Farrauto
- Shirley Fineman
- John Garvey
- William Guarinello
- Eileen LaRuffa
- Man Wai Lau
- Tim Law
- Albert Milone
- Raymond Mollica
- Vincent Nativo
- James Orlando
- Frank Segreto
- Antonio Troia
- Sonia Valentin
- Laurie Windsor
- Robert Yee
- Leonard Beninson
- Steve Chung
- Don Clark
- Anthony Favale
- Anthony Mallozzi
- Vito Marangelli
- Vito Marinelli
- Camillo Messina
- Salvatore Rao
- Gerald Bertuna
- Matthew Bromme
- Msgr. David Cassato
- Warren Chan
- Thomas Colasanto
- Joseph DiSanto
- Vincent Nativo
- Barbara Parisi
- Rabbi Gary Pollack
- Salvatore Rao
- Sylvia Maraia - Councilman Recchia
- Ken Grace - Councilman Recchia
- Jacob Adler - Councilman Greenfield
- Val Henry - Downstate Medical Center - Bay Ridge
- Louise Martini - State Senator Golden
- Lilly Wong - Borough President
- Andrew Olsen - Mayor's CAU
- Gloria Garrison
- Janet Travaloni
- Kenneth Lazar - Dept. of Buildings
- Jennifer Thorpe-Moscon