Brooklyn Community Board 11

Monthly Minutes - October 2008

Minutes of Community Board 11's General Meeting and Public Hearing
Held on October 16, 2008 at the:
Holy Family Home, 1740 84th Street

Table of Contents

The meeting was opened with Monsignor David Cassato having the honor of leading the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Hearings top

Mezcals 86 Rest. Corp.
1474 86th Street
Consumer Affairs License# 122126

The applicant seeks a recommendation for the renewal of a revocable consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk cafe consisting of 7 tables and 17 seats abutting the existing restaurant located at 1474 86th Street.

The Chairman inquired if anyone from the public sought recognition. Hearing none, a motion was made by Angelo Siciliano to close the public hearing on this matter. Seconded by Louis Crispiano. Unanimously adopted.

Draft of Community Board 11's Capital and Expense Budget recommendations for Fiscal Year 2010.

The Chairman inquired if anyone from the public sought recognition on this matter. Hearing none, a motion was made by Bart Allegretti to close the public hearing. Seconded by Tom Colasanto. Unanimously adopted.

Moment Of Silence top

Mr. Guarinello requested a moment of silence to honor the memory of Leone Demolfetto, a long serving board member of Community Board 11 who passed away last month.

Public Portion top

Kenneth Lazar, representing the Department of Buildings, reminded residents of the importance of smoke and carbon dioxide detectors in every house and apartment.

He further advised that he has brought informational handouts regarding smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and illegal conversions.

Mary Placanica, representing Assembly Member Colton, announced that flu shots will be administered in the Assembly Member's office located at 155 Kings Highway on November 5th from 10AM - 1PM.

Ms. Placanica further advised that on November 12th, District Attorney Hynes will give a presentation on Crimes Against Seniors at the United Regular Democratic Club, 29 Bay 25 Street.

St Simon and Jude will be holding a Blood Drive this Sunday, October 19th from 9AM - 2PM.

Michael Sciaraffo, representing Council Member Gentile, advised a Green Market has opened in Bay Ridge, on 94th Street and 3rd Avenue in the old Key Food parking lot. It will be open every Saturday through December from 8AM -5PM.

Mr. Sciaraffo announced that Councilman Gentile is hosting a parking ticket forum in response to numerous complaints from the community. The forum will be held on Wednesday, October 22nd, at the Moose Lodge, 7711 18th Avenue at 6:30 PM.

The Chairman inquired if anyone else from the public sought recognition. Hearing none, a motion was made by Angelo Siciliano to close the public portion of the meeting. Seconded by Monsignor David Cassato. Unanimously adopted.

Minutes top

A motion was made by Louisa Verito to adopt the minutes of the September 10, 2008 meeting with the amendments that were submitted by Man Wai Lau. Seconded by Man Wai Lau. Unanimously adopted.

Disposition Of Public Hearings top

1474 86th Street

Frank Segreto, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, advised that Mezcals Restaurant, 1474 86th Street, is seeking to renew their revocable consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk cafe. There were no changes made to the application, and there have been no complaints associated with the sidewalk cafe.

A motion was made by Man Wai Lau to approve the application as presented. Seconded by Stan Roher. Unanimously adopted.

Draft of Community Board 11's Capital and Expense Budget recommendations for Fiscal Year 2010.

Marnee Elias-Pavia advised that there are two additional items to be placed on the expense budget recommendations:

Continued funding for Department of Sanitation litter basket service and daily school collection.

A motion was made by Louisa Verito to approve the draft of Community Board 11's Capital and Expense Budget for Fiscal Year 2010 as amended. Seconded by Frank Segreto. Unanimously adopted.

Chairman's Report top

Mr. Guarinello advised that the New York City Council has issued new standards and procedures for street co-naming request's. The new standards are very specific and our Parks Committee will utilize these procedures for all co-naming request received by Community Board 11 for consideration.

The Chairman advised that we have received a request to co-name 70th Street and 18th Avenue to "Alba Way" to honor the Alba Pastry Shop. The request will be sent to committee for review.

Committee Reports top

Nick Miraglia, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, reported that National Night Out, which was held on August 5th, was a success. The 62nd Precinct was one of four local precincts that hosted events for National Night out against Crime, an event founded 25 years ago by a nonprofit organization to promote a partnership between the police and the community.

There were over 3,000 people who participated and 30 businesses help make this night a success.

Louisa Verito, Chair Person of the Health, Social Services, and Seniors committee, advised that notification has been received from Program Development Services regarding their 3 bed individual residence alternative, located at 7402 Bay Parkway. The residents, due to the natural aging process, require 24-hour home care, which technically changes the site from a supportive residence to a supervised residence.

There is no other change to the program and does not require public hearings.

Assemblyman Abbate top

The Assemblyman advised that over the past two months while the Legislature was out of session, he had the opportunity to work with the residents on local issues.

He reminded everyone to vote on Election Day, November 4th.

District Manager's Report top

Marnee Elias-Pavia advised that she attended the Budget Consultations and met with Small Business Services regarding stoop line permits on 86th Street between Bay Parkway and 23rd Avenue.

Small Business Services has agreed to an onsite meeting to further discuss the issue and updates will be provided to the Board as they become available.

The District Manager advised that she also met with the Department of Sanitation and discussed the posting of illegal moving signs throughout our community.

The Department has issued numerous summonses for fliers they see posted on poles, but there is no way of collecting or finding the responsible party behind the operation.

There was discussion regarding this issue and contact will be made with the District Attorney's office or the State Attorney General for assistance in this matter.

The District Manager advised that a few years ago the Board supported a pilot project on 86th Street, which called for the removal of the corner litter baskets. These baskets are misused and are generally used for household garbage. The pilot project was delayed for a capital project that is now complete.

The issue was discussed with the Department of Sanitation, and instead of removing the litter baskets, the Department would now like to conduct extensive outreach and targeted enforcement for the misuse of the litter receptacles.

The District Manager advised that a location will be provided based upon the area with the highest amount of improper refuse, and aggressive enforcement and education will be conducted by the Department of Sanitation.

Ms. Elias-Pavia advised the following:

Department of Design and Construction has given notification that they will be milling and resurfacing Bay Parkway between Cropsey Avenue and 86th Street. The work will last approximately one week and work will be done at night.

Due to budget constraints, the Department of Sanitation will not be making special collections for leaves this fall. Residents can place their leaves out with their regular garbage for collection. No special leaf bags or brown bags are required.

New Business top

Eileen LaRuffa announced that Stanley and Sandy Roher recently celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary.

Mr. Guarinello congratulated Monsignor Cassato for being honored by Borough President Markowitz in celebration of Italian American Heritage month.

A motion was made by Frank Segreto to adjourn. Seconded by Eileen LaRuffa.

Attendance top

  • Angelo Siciliano
  • Antonio Troia
  • Bart Allegretti
  • Charles Farrauto
  • Eileen LaRuffa
  • Frank Segreto
  • Iris Chiu
  • Jerry Chiapetta
  • Joseph DiSanto
  • Louis Crispiano
  • Louisa Verito
  • Mafalda DiMango
  • Man Wai Lau
  • Maria Campanella
  • Msgr. David Cassato
  • Nicholas Miraglia
  • Rabbi Gary Pollack
  • Richard DiNapoli
  • Rosa Casella
  • Rosalee Manitta
  • Ross Brady
  • Shirley Fineman
  • Stanley Roher
  • Thomas Colasanto
  • Vincent Nativo
  • William Guarinello
  • Angel Geraldi
  • Anthony Mallozzi
  • Camillo Messina
  • David Gordon
  • Donald Clark
  • Ella Nigro
  • Frank Naccarato
  • Gerald Bertuna
  • Joseph Caruana
  • Laurie Windsor
  • Raymond Mollica
  • Sarra Fronshtein
  • Steve Balasiano
  • William Hongach
  • Albert Milone
  • Barbara Parisi
  • Corrado Manfredi
  • John Raffaele
  • Kalman Talbak
  • Leonard Beninson
  • Andrew Santano
  • Kenneth Lazar (Department of Buildings)
  • Lucille Santano
  • Lucretia Regina-Potter (Republican District Leader 49th A.D.)
  • Mary Placanica (Assemblyman Colton
  • Michael Sciaraffo (Council Member Gentile)
  • Sandy Roher
  • Tom Neve (Reaching Out Community Services)