Notice of Meeting and Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will gold its general meeting and public
hearing on:

Date: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Place: Il Centro
8711 181h Avenue
Time: 7PM
Public Hearing Draft of Community Board 11’s Capital and Expense budget recommendations for fiscal
year 2026.
The meeting will be livestreamed to

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Notice of Public Hearing By Community Boards 11 & 12

In Person: Amico Senior Center – 5901 13th Avenue (entrance on 59th Street) 3rd Floor

On Zoom:
By Phone: 646-558-8656 and enter Webinar ID: 853 6027 6010

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 7:00 P.M.

Brooklyn Yards – This application by Brooklyn Yards Development LLC requesting a ZM (M1-1 and R5 to C4-5, R6 and R6/C2-4); ZR to Appendix F (MIH) & I; ZS’s (74-743, 74-745, 74-533, and 74-681); and ZA’s (25-82 and 36-72) to facilitate a new 335,000 sf development including 272,000 sf of residential development (267 DUs), and 64,000 sf of commercial development over railroad tracks in an area roughly bounded by 14th and 16th Avenues and 59th and 61st Streets in Borough Park, CDs 11 and 12.

This application is submitted with respect to Block 5727, Lots 14 and 19, Block 5523, Lots 1, 6, 9, 12-16, 19, 20, 22-24, 26, 28, 32, 34, 37, 38, 43, 44, 49, 54, 58, 60, 62, 64, 72-75, Block 5516, Lots 1, 4, 9-14, 33, 133, 2001-2006, 1601-1606, 1701-1706, 1801-1811, 1001-1011, 1101-1111, 1201-1276, 1301-1311, 1401-1411, 1501-1511, 1901-1911, 2101-2111, 2201-2211, 67, and Block 5509, Lots 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14-16, 18, 19, 21-36, 41, 48, 57, 58, 62, 64, 65, 68, 70-73, the Proposed Project Area. The Proposed Actions would facilitate the development of twelve residential buildings, one mixed-use building, and one commercial building (the “Proposed Development”) on Block 5727, p/o Lot 14 (“Zoning Lot 1”);1 Block 5516, p/o Lots 1 and 33 (“Zoning Lot 2”);2 and Block 5509, Lots 41 and 57 (“Zoning Lot 3”) (collectively, the “Development Site”).

Please refer to the Project Description section of the application for the full details of the project.

To view the entire application please click on the following link:

Cozen O’Connor on behalf of Brooklyn Yards Development, LLC

To register to speak at the meeting or to leave a written comment for the committee to review please fill out a google form at this link:

We will not accept any submissions past 5:00pm on the day of the meeting.

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Notice of Meeting and Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting and public hearing on:

Date:  Thursday, March 14, 2024

Place: Il Centro

8711 18th Avenue

Time:  7PM

Public Hearing

In the matter of:

Potential Supervised Community Residence

1770 61 Street

Brooklyn, NY

Community Board 11 has received formal notification of the interest and intent of Human Care Services for Families and Children under the auspices of the New York State Office for People with Development Disabilities to establish a community residence for 16 adults with developmental disabilities, as provided in Section 41:34 of the Mental Hygiene Law.

The program will provide local community individuals with housing, meals, day habilitation and/or supportive employment programs, companionship, supervisory and direct support staff.

The meeting will be livestreamed to

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Notice of Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11’s Planning and Zoning committee will hold a public hearing on:

Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Place: Bensonhurst Center for Rehabilitation

1740 84th Street

Time: 7PM

In the matter of:

BSA Application No. 406-82-BZ

McDonald’s Corporation

2411 86th Street

Block 6859 Lot 1

The applicant seeks an extension of term for a previously approved Special Permit to operate an existing eating and drinking establishment with a drive-through. 

The meeting will be livestreamed to

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Notice of Public Hearing

The Planning and Zoning Committee will host a public hearing on: 

Date:   Tuesday, January 9, 2024 Thursday, January 11, 2024

Place:  St. Finbar Annex 

138 Bay 20th Street

Bensonhurst Center

1740 84th Street

Time:    7:00 PM 

Enter Parking lot on Bay 20th Street and turn right. 

Public Hearings

  1. City of Yes for Economic Opportunity: 

The Department of City Planning is proposing a citywide text amendment to support economic growth and would facilitate the repurposing of existing nonresidential space by providing businesses with additional zoning flexibility. 

  1. Gaming Facility Text Amendment: 

The proposal would allow up to three State-licensed gaming facilities as permitted use in the following commercial districts: C4, C5, C6, C7, and C8 and manufacturing districts M1, M2, and M3. The facilities would only be considered compliant with zoning if they have been licensed through the State-level process. 

The meeting will be livestreamed to  

Written comments can be submitted to  

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Notice of Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11’s Planning and Zoning Committee will hold a public hearing on: 

Date:  Thursday, June 1, 2023 

Place: Il Centro 

8711 18th Avenue 

Time:  7:00 PM 

In the matter of

I. BSA Calendar # 202-07-BZ/2023-4-BZ 

Magen David Yeshiva 

2170 McDonald Avenue 

Block 7087 Lot 34 

The applicant seeks a variance to allow the enlargement of the existing building contrary to rear yard and required yards along district boundary coincident with rear lot lines of two adjoining zoning lots. 

II. BSA Calendar # 2023-5-BZ 

Magen David Yeshiva 

321 Avenue T 

Block 7087 Lot 46 

The applicant seeks a variance and special permit to permit a five-story and cellar school building in a M1-1 zoning district contrary to use, floor area and height, setback, and sky exposure plane. 

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Notice of Meeting and Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting and public hearing via Zoom Teleconference on: 

Date:  Thursday, May 12, 2022 

Time:  7:00 PM 

Public Hearing:

Application # C210174 ZMK 

Project Name: 2080 McDonald Avenue 

Applicant: Jackson Ex 2 Avenue S LLC 

The applicant seeks a zoning map amendment to rezone from M1-1 and R5B to C4-4L and a zoning text amendment to map Appendix F to facilitate development of a 120,625 sf, eight-story, mixed-use building consisting of 97,889 square feet of residential space, comprised of 66 dwelling units, of which 16 (MIH program Option 1 or 25%) are proposed to be income-restricted, 18,783 square feet of commercial retail space and 3,953 square feet of community facility. 

Register in advance for this webinar:,  or scan the QR Code: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The meeting will be livestreamed to

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December Meeting Notice

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting and public hearing virtually on:

Date: Monday, December 14, 2020
Time: 7 PM
Place: Zoom Webinar

Public Hearing
Zoning for Coastal Floor Resiliency
A citywide zoning amendment to update and make permanent the temporary 2013 Floor Resiliency Zoning Text Amendment to encourage long-term resilient design across the city’s 1% and 0.2% annual chance floodplains, allow buildings to be adapted over time through partial resiliency strategies, and provide the zoning tools that are necessary to facilitate recovery post future disasters.

The public is invited to attend the webinar and can register via:

The meeting will be livestreamed to

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Notice of Meeting and Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting and public hearing on:

Date: Thursday, October 15th, 2020
Place: Virtual Meeting
Time: 7:30 PM

Public Hearing
Draft of Community Board 11’s Capital and Expense Budget recommendations for Fiscal Year 2022.When: Oct 15, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Community Board 11 General Meeting & Public Hearing 10-15-2020

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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Notice of Meeting and Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting on:

Date: *Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: Bensonhurst Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare
1740 84th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11214

Public Hearing
Pursuant to 1731 of the New York City School Construction Authority Act, notice is hereby given of the proposed site selection of Lot 5 on Block 5471, the former site of St. Rosalia Church, 14th Avenue & 63rd Street, Borough of Brooklyn, for the construction of a new, approximately 380-seat primary school in Community School District 20.

*Please note change of date

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