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Notice of Public Hearing
Mon, Apr 24, 2023 @ 7:00 pm
Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold a public hearing on:
Date: Monday, April 24, 2023
Place: Il Centro
8711 18th Avenue
Time: 7:00 PM
In the matter of:
Application # C230018 ZMK, N230019 ZRK
CEQR Number: 23DCP024K
Project Name: 1421 86th Street Rezoning
The applicant seeks a zoning map amendment to rezone Block 6340, Lots 1, 60, and 66. (project area) from R4/C2-2 to R7A/C2-4 and a zoning text amendment to map the project area as a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) area to facilitate the development of a nine-story mixed-use building with 57 dwelling units that includes 17 affordable units, and ground floor commercial use.
Written comments may be submitted via email at bk11@cb.nyc.gov, mail, or https://forms.gle/2abYrSVmNadCpAAg9
The meeting will be livestreamed to http://bit.ly/3o6Uroh