Change of Meeting Format

Important Notice

Due to the many health concerns that we have received and to ensure a quorum, please take notice that the format for this evening’s general meeting and public hearing has been moved to a virtual format under Emergency Executive Order 232   The meeting will start at 7PM

To register for tonight’s meeting, please use this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The meeting will be livestreamed to

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Notice of General Meeting and Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting and public hearing on:

Date: Thursday, October 13, 2022

Place: St. Finbar’s Confraternity Center

1835 Bath Avenue

(Bath Avenue & Bay 20th St)

Time: 7:00 PM

Public Hearing

  1. Draft of Community Board 11’s Capital and Expense budget recommendations for fiscal year 2024.

Masks and hand sanitizer will be available. 

The meeting will be livestreamed to

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Meeting Notice

Please take notice that the Planning and Zoning Committee will meet virtually on: 

Date:  September 21, 2022 

Time:  7 PM 


  1. An informational presentation on a proposed zoning map amendment and text amendment to facilitate the development of 1656 West 10th Street. 

The public is invited to attend and can register by clicking this link

The meeting will be livestreamed to www.facebook.combrooklyncb11  

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Meeting Cancelled

Please be advised that due to the expiration of the executive order that suspends Open Meeting law, the remote meeting schedule for Thursday, September 15th has been cancelled.

The next meeting of the Community Board 11 will be held on October 13, 2022.

Please be advised that Community Board 11 will hold a virtual meeting to dispose of business that could not be acted upon on September 8, 2022, due to a lack of a quorum, on: 

Date: Thursday, September 15, 2022 

Time: 7:00 PM 

The public is invited to view the meeting by registering in advance for this webinar: or scan the QR Code: 

Or you can view the meeting which will be livestreamed to  

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Notice of General Meeting and Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting and public hearing on:

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2022

Place: St. Finbar’s Confraternity Center

1835 Bath Avenue

(Bath Avenue & Bay 20th St)

Time: 7:00 PM

Public Hearing

In the matter of:

BSA Calendar # 2022-47-BZ

2052 63rd Street

Block 5542 Lot 27

The applicant seeks a special permit to enlarge an existing single family home contrary to the side yard requirements.

Masks and hand sanitizer will be available.

The meeting will be livestreamed to

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