Transportation Committee Meeting Notice

Please be advised that the Transportation Committee will meet virtually on: 

Date:  Wednesday, June 15, 2022 

Time:  6:30 PM 

The Department of Transportation will make an informational presentation on the 86th Street Bus Stop Under the El project. 

An electronic invitation will be sent to panelists under separate cover. 

The public is invited to attend and can register via or scan the QR Code: 

After registering you will receive information on joining the webinar. 

The meeting will be livestreamed to  

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Notice of Meeting

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting on: 

Date: June 9, 2022 

Time: 7 PM 

Place: Zoom Teleconference 

Please register in advance for this webinar: or scan the QR Code: 

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing the information about joining the webinar. 

Due to New York City’s COVID-19 High Alert level, this meeting will take place virtually. The meeting will be livestreamed to

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Notice of Meeting

Please be advised that the Planning and Zoning Committee will meet virtually on: 

Date:  Tuesday, May 24, 2022 

Time:  6:30 PM 


  1. Presentation on a potential zoning map amendment to facilitate the development of 166 Kings Highway. 
  2. Discussion and committee recommendation for Project Name: 2080 McDonald Avenue, Application # C210174 ZMK 

An electronic invitation will be sent to the committee under separate cover.   

The public is invited to attend and can register via or scan the QR code: 

The meeting will be livestreamed to  

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Notice of Meeting

Please be advised that the Transportation Committee will meet virtually on: 

Date:  Wednesday, May 18, 2022 

Time:  6:30 PM 

The committee will be joined by the Department of Transportation’s Safety and Education unit to discuss an outreach and education campaign for E-mobility users.   

An electronic link will be sent to committee members.   

The public is invited to attend and can register in advance via:, or scan the QR code: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 

The meeting will be livestreamed to  

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Notice of Meeting and Public Hearing

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting and public hearing via Zoom Teleconference on: 

Date:  Thursday, May 12, 2022 

Time:  7:00 PM 

Public Hearing:

Application # C210174 ZMK 

Project Name: 2080 McDonald Avenue 

Applicant: Jackson Ex 2 Avenue S LLC 

The applicant seeks a zoning map amendment to rezone from M1-1 and R5B to C4-4L and a zoning text amendment to map Appendix F to facilitate development of a 120,625 sf, eight-story, mixed-use building consisting of 97,889 square feet of residential space, comprised of 66 dwelling units, of which 16 (MIH program Option 1 or 25%) are proposed to be income-restricted, 18,783 square feet of commercial retail space and 3,953 square feet of community facility. 

Register in advance for this webinar:,  or scan the QR Code: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The meeting will be livestreamed to

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Meeting Notice

Please be advised that there will be a joint virtual Parks Committee meeting with Community Board 10, on: 

Date:  Thursday, April 28, 2022 

Time:  6PM 


  1. Parks Department capital project presentation regarding Shore Parkway Promenade 
  2. Dyker Beach Park quality of life issues. 

Please register in advance for this meeting: or scan the QR Code: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining this webinar. 

The meeting will be livestreamed to  

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Notice of Meeting

Please take notice that Community Board 11 will hold its general meeting via Zoom Teleconference on: 

Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 

Time: 7PM 

Please register in advance for this meeting:  

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining this webinar. 

The meeting will be livestreamed to

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Meeting Notice

Please take notice that the Planning and Zoning Committee will meet virtually on: 

Date:  Thursday, April 7, 2022 

Time:  7:00 PM 


Proposed ULURP Application (2020K0228) 

2080 McDonald Avenue 

Block 6680 Lots 39 and 42 

Presentation on a proposed zoning map amendment for 2080 McDonald Avenue from an existing M1-1/R5B zoning designation to a C4-4L, which would facilitate the redevelopment of the premises with a new mixed-use building. 

An electronic invitation will be sent to the committee under separate cover. 

The public is invited to attend and can register by clicking this link: 

The meeting will be livestreamed to 

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